Thursday, January 30, 2014

Miss Reluctant Lovesick Puppy

So here I am, sitting at my desk sipping on some tea - trying very hard to pretend that I am not aware of my loudly silent phone. I keep glancing at it even though no message notification has "sung" the all too familiar bell. I feel silly for doing it but find myself doing it again... and again... and again... hoping that maybe this time I'll find the "you've got mail" icon flashing. *sigh*
That is what I've become since he has come into my life. I have not know him that long and I am reluctantly liking him more and more with each passing day.
I've been in love before (I'm talking of romantic kind of love) and I am surrounded by people who love me... friends; family and the most amazing Love of all (God's unconditional Love). I have also known heartbreak (and caused some heartbreak too!) ... maybe that explains my reluctance to be the Lovesick Puppy I see myself becoming.

Yes, I'm scared... but in the poetic words of Daughtry, "I'm starting to believe this could be the start of something good."
Hang on ... what's that?! A message from him:-) Finally!

...because You say so, I will lower the nets again...

God wants to change your life story! The question is, "Are you willing to partner with Him?"

When a word comes, you need to align with it. The word will be tested but HOLD ON, stay aligned and keep your position.

"And Simon (Peter) answered, Master, we toiled all night [exhaustingly] and caught nothing [in our nets]. But on the ground of Your word, I will lower the nets [again]." - Luke 5:5

Yes, you've tried before and failed BUT because HE has sent His word - let down your nets AGAIN. Dust yourself off, and go at it AGAIN.

Allow God to do something extraordinary with your life. We know how your story would probably end BUT you've met God... but GOD has showed up! You have encountered the God who created the heavens and the earth, the God who owns a cattle on a thousand hills. You gave your life to THAT God! Allow Him to do something unexpected; unpredictable - absolutely extraordinary with your life, something that if you were told about it - you also wouldn't believe it.

Do you remember Sarai? The barren old woman who was told that she whould be a mother of nations? Sounds absurd, doesn't it? Yes, she also laughed! After decades of "toiling" and catching "nothing", she was told that she would conceive! Sure enough, she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy! God will make you laugh.

Stay connected to Him.