Thursday, January 30, 2014

Miss Reluctant Lovesick Puppy

So here I am, sitting at my desk sipping on some tea - trying very hard to pretend that I am not aware of my loudly silent phone. I keep glancing at it even though no message notification has "sung" the all too familiar bell. I feel silly for doing it but find myself doing it again... and again... and again... hoping that maybe this time I'll find the "you've got mail" icon flashing. *sigh*
That is what I've become since he has come into my life. I have not know him that long and I am reluctantly liking him more and more with each passing day.
I've been in love before (I'm talking of romantic kind of love) and I am surrounded by people who love me... friends; family and the most amazing Love of all (God's unconditional Love). I have also known heartbreak (and caused some heartbreak too!) ... maybe that explains my reluctance to be the Lovesick Puppy I see myself becoming.

Yes, I'm scared... but in the poetic words of Daughtry, "I'm starting to believe this could be the start of something good."
Hang on ... what's that?! A message from him:-) Finally!

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