Friday, August 23, 2013

When you're feeling unsettled...

I recently heard that the best way to overcome motion sickness or seasickness is by fixing your eyes on the horizon - a fixed thing - in order to stabilise yourself.

In the same way, when think happen around me that I can't explain or that unsettle me, I've learnt that the best "cure" is to fix my eyes on God; His Creation and His Love - all fixed things to settle my system!

A young colleague (29 years old) passed away this past Monday and someone I considered to be a close friend betrayed me in a way that I didn't see coming. So, as a "cure" I took out my camera and took a couple of pictures of the "Love" ornaments in my living room and the beautiful flowers and fruit in my kitchen.

I haven't got life all figured out and I doubt anyone can ever say they have but, one thing I know by looking at creation is that there IS a Creator... a Purposeful Creator at that and that He is one Awe-inspiring being! I know that Love is the greatest gift one can give themselves; others and God... I don't know much else for sure.

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