Tuesday, January 17, 2012

About turning 30...

While I was home during the December break I started really thinking about my turning 30 years old in March 2013.

So as this year (2012) begins, I've been thinking so much about purpose and about the future.

I believe that God has a plan for each person alive on earth today and that each of us needs to find out what that is and spend the rest of our lives living that purpose. This line of thinking also took me back to when I was a child and I've been trying to remember what I always wanted to be; what I dreamed I'd become and what I really enjoyed doing. I've decided that this year is the year that I find out what my purpose is (yes, I'm a 28-turning-29 year old who doesn't know her life's purpose!).

I believe that finding this purpose and living it out will cause so many other pieces of my life's puzzle to fall into place so, I'm really excited about the journey I'm on.

I'm praying about it; asking God to reveal to me what He had in mind when He fashioned me in my mother's womb and I've also sought the services of a Christian life coach. When I turn 30 I want to be a new, better me. Afterall, I am a new creation in Christ Jesus so it's now time to leave behind old habits, limiting thoughts, and to walk into the glorious future that God has in store for me.

I woke up one of the days this week with a distinct feeling of hope warming me up and I was so grateful. I know what it's like to wake up with feelings of despair and honestly just not knowing what tomorrow holds. I still don't know what tomorrow holds but I think the biggest difference now is that I have such confidence in God's plan for my life that I've rested in His love and His perfect plan for me. One of the scriptures that carried me into 2012 is Psalm 31: 14, 15, "But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in Your hand..."

30! Bring it on:)

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