I've noticed a couple of times, after speaking to different people, that they had expected me to take offence over something they had said during our conversation. Understand me now: I did not take offence; did not see a need to take offence but upon reflection the other parties felt that I might have. I know this because they came back to me to ask if I was "okay", only then did I realise that I could've been offended by what they'd said. These incidents made me wonder if people have always been so sensitive that we feel we must always walk on eggs in our interactions with eachother.
Maybe it's all the awareness of our emotions and emotional wellbeing and the emphasis on building up our emotional intelligence that has made our emotional antennaes pick up even the slightest possibility of having offended a friend/ colleague/ family member.
I like when Pastor Dag Heward Mills says that church is "the city of offence"! So, expect to be offended and don't take it personally:-)
An article I read on "God's new covenant kingdom" called our 21st century society "an emotional-response culture" where we have placed such importance on feelings that we respond to life based on emotions and seldom on the facts; intentions of those we interact with; and the truth.
Mmmhhh... once again, just sharing my thoughts with you.
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